The Pur-Fect Sweater
Trends come and go, but some of them stick around far longer than others. Case in point: leopard print. It continues to reign supreme through the changing seasons, and somehow the styles just keep getting better and better. While the warmer months were all about the leopard midi skirt (we're still wearing ours, TBH), fall is all about the leopard sweater. And in a season full of dark days and chilly temps where dressing up can feel like a drag, the trending topper is just the thing we need to keep our ensembles interesting. It's easy, comfortable, warm, and best of all, it's a total outfit maker. To help you sort through the abundance of offerings out there, we've sourced the best leopard-print sweaters on the web using our unique algorithm that factors in real user reviews, best-seller lists, editorial mentions, and more. From oversized and slouchy to lightweight and fitted, the spot-on styles that follow are sure to pull you out of any fall fashion rut. Keep scrolling to discover and shop the Top 10! Opening image:
November 5, 2019
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